Algorithms and Complexity

Designing quantum software for future quantum computers, using fundamentally different techniques and approaches based on superposition, interference and entanglement.

The leader of the group Algorithms and Complexity: Ronald de Wolf

Our research group designs software for the computing technology of the future, especially quantum computing. Based on the laws of quantum mechanics, which tell us that systems and particles can be in multiple states at once, quantum computing is radically different from computing as we know it. Our quantum software requires fundamentally different techniques and approaches based on superposition, interference and entanglement. Ultimately, our research will result in better, faster and more reliable computer systems for society. Our research group is involved in QuSoft, the new Dutch research centre for quantum software.

Read more about CWI's Algorithms and Complexity group.

CWI Algorithms & Complexity Group video

More information can be found in this A&C group video (2018).


All publications


Current projects with external funding

  • Quantum time-space tradeoff lower bounds
  • Robustness of Quantum Algorithms (ARO)
  • Algorithms, Security and Complexity for Quantum Computers (ASC-Q)
  • Groeifonds - QDNL / KAT 1 (Groeifonds)
  • Lectoraat Applied Quantum Computing (Teitsma) (None)
  • Randomness in quantum computation (None)
  • Rotate, measure, repeat: better and cheaper error characterisation for quantum computers (None)
  • Quantum Software Consortium (QSC)
  • Research centre for quantum software (QUSOFT)
  • Startimpuls Nationale Quantumtechnologie (Startimpuls KAT-1)