
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

Kees Oosterlee new editor-in-chief of Journal of Computational Finance

Kees Oosterlee is the new Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Computational Finance. This international refereed journal focuses on the advances in numerical and computational techniques in pricing, hedging and risk management of …

Kees Oosterlee new editor-in-chief of Journal of Computational Finance

Two EU projects for Formal Methods group at CWI

At the end of August, the Formal Methods research group at CWI acquired two EU projects: Envisage and Upscale. At CWI, both FP7 projects each comprise two PhD students for three years. …

Two EU projects for Formal Methods group at CWI

Streamers in lightning better understood by new mathematical model

Streamers - electrically conducting channels in gases like air - occur in the early stages of lightning, and in industrial applications.

Streamers in lightning better understood by new mathematical model

Two CWI cryptographers honoured at CRYPTO 2013

During CRYPTO – one of the two leading crypto conferences in the world – two researchers from Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam were honoured: Ronald Cramer and Marc Stevens. The …

Two CWI cryptographers honoured at CRYPTO 2013

CWI releases software for detection of forged digital signatures

Cryptanalyst Marc Stevens from the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam published on 15 August open source software that can detect and block forged digital signatures: CWI's hash collision detection library.

CWI releases software for detection of forged digital signatures

ERC Advanced Grant for CWI Fellow Lex Schrijver

CWI researchers Pemberton, Stevens and De Haan lecture at OHM 2013

CWI researchers Steven Pemberton, Marc Stevens and Robbert de Haan will give four lectures at the OHM conference, which takes place from 31 July to 4 August 2013 in Geestmerambacht, the Netherlands.

CWI researchers Pemberton, Stevens and De Haan lecture at OHM 2013

Scientific Computing group nominated for Huibregtsen Prize

CWI’s research group Scientific Computing, led by mathematician Kees Oosterlee, is nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize 2013. The Huibregtsen Prize is granted for the best scientific research in the Netherlands that is …