
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

Overview CWI in Bedrijf 2013 (video)

A video report of our event CWI in Bedrijf 2013 is now available.

Overview CWI in Bedrijf 2013 (video)

Conditions for optimal solutions to semidefinite problems found

Most optimization problems in real-life are hard to solve optimally. However, for practical purposes it is usually sufficient to settle for near-optimal solutions that can be found quickly. Fast and more accurate …

Conditions for optimal solutions to semidefinite problems found

Jop Briët awarded Andreas Bonn medal

Jop Briët, former researcher at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, was awarded the Andreas Bonn medal for his thesis `Grothendieck Inequalities, nonlocal games and optimization’.

Jop Briët awarded Andreas Bonn medal

Connection between graph theory and algebra deepened

PhD student Guus Regts from Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) investigated mathematical connections between graph theory and algebra.

Connection between graph theory and algebra deepened

Nikhil Bansal receives ERC Consolidator Grant for research on algorithms

Mathematician Nikhil Bansal received an ERC consolidator grant in November. The researcher is affiliated with Eindhoven University of Technology and part-time seconded at CWI, in the Networks & Optimization research group.

Nikhil Bansal receives ERC Consolidator Grant for research on algorithms

CWI celebrates 25 years of open Internet in Europe in November

On Sunday, 17 November at 2.28 PM (UTC+1) it is exactly twenty-five years ago that the Netherlands was connected to the Internet, as the first country in Europe.

CWI celebrates 25 years of open Internet in Europe in November

CWI team wins recommendation challenge

Researchers Arjen de Vries, Alan Said and Alejandro Bellogin from Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, scored the highest ranking in the news recommendation challenge that is part of the ACM Recommender …

CWI team wins recommendation challenge

NAW publication on Mathematics and Planet Earth

Daan Crommelin (CWI) and Henk Schuttelaars (TU Delft) were guest editors of a special issue of Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (NAW) on Mathematics and Planet Earth that was recently published. Daan Crommelin …

NAW publication on Mathematics and Planet Earth