
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

Mathematics for money and games for maths teachers

Could the performance and development of a football player be calculated with mathematics? Does a fair electoral system exist for a democracy? Which games could be solved with group theory? These and …

Mathematics for money and games for maths teachers

Ingres and CWI spin-off VectorWise announce dramatic database performance improvement

Ingres Corporation, the leading open source database management company, announced on 29th July the Ingres VectorWise project. This is a collaboration between Ingres, VectorWise - a spin-off company from the leading database …

Ingres and CWI spin-off VectorWise announce dramatic database performance improvement

D. Wojtczak receives Best paper award at ICALP 2009

Following the decision of the programme committee of ICALP 2009 Track B, Dominik Wojtczak (a former PhD student at University of Edinburgh, currently a postdoc at CWI) together with Michael Ummels (PhD …

D. Wojtczak receives Best paper award at ICALP 2009

Lynda Hardman appointed distinguished professor Multimedia Interaction

Lynda Hardman is appointed distinguished professor Multimedia Interaction.

Lynda Hardman appointed distinguished professor Multimedia Interaction

Rascal for Easy Meta-Programming

Rascal is a new meta-programming language that was launched by CWI at the Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering, 6-11 July, in Braga, Portugal.

Rascal for Easy Meta-Programming

CWI database team wins Best Paper Runner Up at SIGMOD 2009

The database team of CWI received the SIGMOD Best Paper Award Runner Up on July 1, during the 35th SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD'09) in Providence, Rhode Island …

CWI database team wins Best Paper Runner Up at SIGMOD 2009

Software agents arrange freight more efficiently

Traffic jams regularly bring Dutch highways to a halt. Freight is often a major cause of such bottlenecks. Interestingly enough almost one third of all trucks drive around empty. PhD student Valentin …

Software agents arrange freight more efficiently

French-Dutch IT co-operation started with ATEAMS project

French-Dutch IT co-operation started with ATEAMS project