
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

New record decomposition into prime numbers demonstrates vulnerability of important cryptographic keys

Researchers of the Cryptology and Information Security group of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam with partners from Germany (BSI and Bonn University), France (INRIA Nancy), Japan (NTT) and Switzerland …

VIDI grant for Frank Vallentin

Frank Vallentin has been awarded an NWO VIDI grant at the end of 2009 for his research project 'Semidefinite programming and harmonic analysis: Foundations and applications'.

VIDI grant for Frank Vallentin

EIT ICT Labs wins prestigious European race for excellence in innovation

Turn Europe into the global leader in ICT innovation – this is the mission for the new Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) just selected in tough competition by the European Institute of …

EIT ICT Labs wins prestigious European race for excellence in innovation

Monique Laurent appointed professor at Tilburg University

Monique Laurent of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, has been appointed professor of Combinatorial Optimization at the Faculty of Economics and Business of Tilburg University.

Monique Laurent appointed professor at Tilburg University

Improved lower bounds for chromatic number

Researcher Fernando de Oliveira Filho of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam improved the lower bounds on the chromatic number. He received his PhD degree on December 1 for his …

Improved lower bounds for chromatic number

Large STW grant for CWI research on discharges

In November, Ute Ebert (CWI) received a large STW grant for three research projects on discharges. These projects are about X-rays and gamma radiation from lightning, air purification with discharges for highway …

Large STW grant for CWI research on discharges

Mathematics helps improving biological models

Many phenomena in life sciences, economics, physics and engineering can be described with mathematical models called rational systems. PhD student Jana Nĕmcová of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam contributed …

Mathematics helps improving biological models

More insight in complex phenomena with new methods from CWI researcher Lorenzo Sella

Many natural processes and even modern human-designed systems exhibit very complicated behaviour. Lorenzo Sella of the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) has developed new methods to obtain a better understanding of these.