
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

Health Innovation Seed Fund III B.V. invests in Stokhos emergency mathematics

CWI spin-off company Stokhos Emergency Mathematics receives an investment of Health Innovation Seed Fund III. With this financial injection Stokhos aims to further optimize its software called Seconds, to achieve a scale-up …

Health Innovation Seed Fund III B.V. invests in Stokhos emergency mathematics

ERC Starting grant for CWI researcher Daniel Dadush

In July, Daniel Dadush (CWI) was awarded an ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million euro for his proposal ‘Towards a Quantitative Theory of Integer Programming’. He aims to revolutionize the understanding of …

ERC Starting grant for CWI researcher Daniel Dadush

Veni grant for Daniël Pelt

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant to CWI researcher Daniël Pelt.

Veni grant for Daniël Pelt

Machine Learning Techniques for Space Weather book published

Recently, the book 'Machine Learning Techniques for Space Weather', edited by CWI researcher Enrico Camporeale and others, was published by Elsevier. The book provides “a thorough and accessible presentation of machine learning …

Machine Learning Techniques for Space Weather book published

Technology grant awarded to optimize plasma-assisted combustion

Incomplete combustion in engines and central heating systems can generate toxic exhaust gases. An electric discharge or plasma can preprocess the mixture of air and fuel, which could largely improve the combustion …

Technology grant awarded to optimize plasma-assisted combustion

Jie Li awarded with Best Paper Award at ACM TVX 2018

On 27 June, Jie Li of CWI’s Distributed and Interactive Systems (DIS) group has been awarded with the Best Paper Award at ACM TVX 2018, the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences …

Jie Li awarded with Best Paper Award at ACM TVX 2018

De betrokkenheid van groepen monitoren met fysiologische sensoren

Het proefschrift van CWI-promovendus Chen Wang van de Distributed and Interactive (DIS)-groep rapporteert over onderzoek naar het ontwerpen van een GSR-systeem dat het bewustzijn van acteurs bij een publiek op afstand in …

De betrokkenheid van groepen monitoren met fysiologische sensoren

CWI contributes to trial new broadcasting system FA Cup Final at Wembley

H2020 EU-funded project 2-IMMERSE, of which CWI’s Distributed and Interactive Systems (DIS) group is a member, tested their prototype end-to-end live production system for object-based broadcasting at the FA- cup final at …

CWI contributes to trial new broadcasting system FA Cup Final at Wembley