
CWI publishes news item about its research, education and the social impact of this research on a regular basis. In addition to news items, we also publish more extensive stories about high-profile research or about CWI contributing to tackling social issues.

CWI celebrates 30 years of open internet in Europe

On Saturday, November 17 at 2.28 pm it is exactly thirty years ago since the Netherlands was the first country in Europe to be connected to the Internet.

CWI celebrates 30 years of open internet in Europe

Two awards for CWI SWAT / INRIA collaboration at SLE 2018

Last week Tijs van der Storm and Thomas Degueule of CWI's SWAT group were awarded with two prizes at ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) in Boston, Massachussets.

Two awards for CWI SWAT / INRIA collaboration at SLE 2018. Image: Shutterstock.

Renowned scientists and policy advisors speak at CWI Lectures on Privacy and Security

Our privacy, a fundamental right, is threatened by surveillance and smart algorithms. Can our privacy be salvaged from 'intelligent' machines? During the CWI Lectures 2018 four renowned scientists and policy advisors discuss …

Renowned scientists and policy advisors speak at CWI Lectures on Privacy and Security

Best Paper award for Tim Baarslag and Michael Kaisers

Tim Baarslag and Michael Kaisers of CWI's Intelligent & Autonomous Systems group have been awarded the Best Paper award at the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart …

Best Paper award for Tim Baarslag and Michael Kaisers

CWI en Stichting 113 zetten data analytics in voor zelfmoordpreventie

Elke dag sterven er 5 mensen in Nederland door zelfdoding. Mensen met suïcidale gedachten kunnen 24x7 en anoniem een beroep doen op het online hulpaanbod met crisishulplijnen, online therapie en zelfhulp van …

CWI en Stichting 113 zetten data analytics in voor zelfmoordpreventie

CWI and Stichting 113 use data analytics for suicide prevention

Foundation 113 aims at a society in which nobody dies lonely or desperate because of suicide. To achieve this goal, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and Foundation 113 Suicide Prevention have recently …


Cum laude for PhD thesis on advancing theory of lower bounds for multiplying matrices faster

Jeroen Zuiddam (CWI) developed new mathematical instruments to study the problem of multiplying large matrices fast. He defends his PhD thesis ‘Algebraic complexity, asymptotic spectra and entanglement polytopes’ at the UvA on …

Cum laude for PhD thesis on advancing theory of lower bounds for multiplying matrices faster

CWI and its role in the digitizing society

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica has published its Strategic Plan 2019-2024. In it, CWI presents the research themes and topics the institute will focus on in the coming years and its ambition to …

CWI and its role in the digitizing society